Monthly Updates - Q4 2018

Yates Mill Estates HOA - Monthly Update - Q4 2018

Kim Humphrey - President | Amanda Hart - VP/Secretary | Steven Bush - Treasurer | Paige Ferguson - At Large | Nick Bingell - At Large


  • Happy Holidays!!! We hope you and your families are having a wonderful holiday season, as we close out a very eventful 2018.

  • Kohn-Ell has changed their website system for payment processing. If you already have an account, you may need to change your password. Visit the main Kohn-Ell website for information:


  • Huge thanks to everyone who volunteered for the committee. The board was able to choose 3 members to join us on the Architectural Review Committee:

    • Luke Payne

    • Tanya Shepherd

    • Laura Tomlinson

  • Need to submit an architectural request form? You can find it for download here:


  • Stanley Martin has been working on getting our BMPs reshaped.

  • Stanley Martin expects the road turnover process to occur in the 1st quarter of 2019.

  • Stanley Martin has confirmed they will remediate applicable areas along the road shoulder (sod) after the final layer of asphalt is applied (Q1 2019 estimated).


  • We finally received 3 quotes to handle our neighborhood landscaping; and a contractor has been locked in. They have already begun work as of the end of December 2018.

  • Duke Energy will be installing a light at our neighborhood mailbox cluster to increase visibility.


  • Save the Date - ​February 21, 2019 @ 6:00 PM

    • Our annual meeting is quickly approaching. Please save this date in your calendar. We would love to see at least one member of every household attend!

  • Since 2018 was our first year with the neighborhood being in control of the HOA, the board has focused on getting quotes for all of our neighborhood necessities (namely BMP and landscaping maintenance).

  • The BMP maintenance will be our single largest cost for the neighborhood and is one of the most important (very costly to repair if they are not properly maintained over time).

  • Currently, our annual dues ($310 per household) will only cover the cost of the BMP maintenance, and do not cover the cost of any other vendors such as landscaping, or neighborhood lights. As a result, dues will need to increase in 2019.

  • We wanted to be honest with all of you about these costs and work together on finding a realistic budget for 2019 and beyond. We will go through details and answer any questions at the annual meeting - so again please save the date.