Monthly Updates - June 2018

Yates Mill Estates HOA - Monthly Update - June 2018

Kim (Frederick) Humphrey - President | Amanda Hart - VP/Secretary | Steven Bush - Treasurer | Paige Ferguson - At Large | Nick Bingell - At Large


  • All lots in our neighborhood have been officially sold! A warm welcome to all newcomers.
  • Summer is here and everything is green and growing. Kohn-Ell periodically performs drive-thru inspections for lawn maintenance and general house exterior care, so you may see them in the neighborhood.
  • We have at least one turtle sharing this lovely neighborhood with us. :) Please be careful when driving through to avoid squishing them. If you see one in the road, feel free to lift it up gently and bring it across to the other side of the road in the direction it was facing if you feel you can do so safely.
    • While turtles are cute and interesting, they can still bite. Be watchful of tiny fingers!
    • This is a great reference for our local herps:


  • Stanley Martin is completely responsible for the road turnover process with the DOT.
  • Expect to hear more about this once construction is closer to 100% completion (tentatively later 2018).
  • The HOA is operating under the assumption that roadside sod will be replaced during the road turnover process by Stanley Martin. You will not be in violation of the HOA covenants by having torn up grass along the roadside of your property (a common issue right now for all members).


  • Our street lights were turned over to the county on June 1, 2018.
  • Going forward, the HOA will only be responsible for the two lighted entry signage areas.


  • Our BMPs are currently becoming overgrown and in need of some mowing (as many of you have noted-- thanks for reporting!).
  • Stanley Martin responded to Mary @ Kohn-Ell on 06/26 that the ponds are currently draining and drying out. They expect the reshaping of the ponds to occur in the next 60 days.
  • The full BMP report and quote from Harris Engineering should be arriving within the next week.


  • The board is finalizing the landscaping request for quote (RFQ) and will be sending it out to a few landscaping vendors shortly.


  • The neighborhood information website is in the works-- progress has been made and we will get the info out to all of you as soon as it is ready for consumption. Thanks for your patience!
  • Interested in putting up a fence, adding a deck, or other architectural updates to your home? Be sure to send your Architectural Change Request Form to for approval before you begin your project.