Monthly Updates - June 2019

Yates Mill Estates HOA - Monthly Update - June 2019

Kim Humphrey - President | Jamie Schimmel - VP | Lindsey Smith - Secretary | Steven Bush - Treasurer | Devon Longo - At Large


  • The board has monthly meetings. If you have any concerns you would like addressed during these meetings, please contact Mary Monticelli at

  • The safe source for all information pertaining to our neighborhood can be found on the neighborhood webpage (

  • If you haven’t already joined and are interested, there is a neighborhood Facebook page called Yates Mill Estates Neighborhood. This is a forum neighbors use to communicate about what is happening in the subdivision, asking for recommendations, etc. Please note that this is not an official channel the board uses to communicate with the neighborhood however you may see some general updates in between the monthly newsletter.


  • Architectural Review Committee:

    • Members include Luke Payne, Tanya Shepherd, and Laura Tomlinson

    • If you are planning on adding a fence or structure to your property or changing the aesthetics of the exterior of your home please submit an architectural request form. If you are unsure whether or not you need to submit a form be on the safe side and please submit one anyways. You can find the architectural request form for download here:

  • A Landscaping Committee has been formed to help keep our neighborhood looking good through things like community clean up day(s). If you are interested in being a member please contact Lindsey Smith.

  • A Social Committee has been formed to connect our neighbors through get togethers and volunteer events. If you are interested in being a member please contact Devon Longo.


  • BMPs

    • BMPs have officially been turned over to the HOA. We will be adding signs to each pond reminding visitors to our neighborhood that there is no fishing, swimming, etc in the ponds.

    • The BMP inspector will check and clear any clogs/blockage along the control structures during their monthly inspection visits.

    • The BMP inspector will mow the slopes and dam structure 4 times per growing season at their discretion.

    • We can expect the vegetation heights of up to 12 to 18 inches between mowings, perhaps even taller if we have extended wet periods as slope mowing has to be performed when slopes are dry to prevent rutting and turf damage. The first mowing will be delayed as we want the recently planted vegetation to grow tall and establish deep root systems.

    • Normal pool (water level) is set by an orifice (PVC hole) on the side of the control structure (concrete box in the middle of each pond). The water will rise with rain and slowly drain through the orifice back to normal pool. If the water level stays at the top of the control structure for more than a couple of days, let a board member know so an e-mail can be sent to the inspector and they will stop by the site and check it out. If the pond goes dry we will also need to notify the inspector as we may have a leak.

    • Dark, muddy water is going to be the norm until grass grows on the slopes and the fines (silts and clays) settle out. This process can take months and will be aggravated by storms.

    • Please remain patient as the ponds mature. That being said, if you notice something that seems to be off please report it to the board so it can be taken care of.

  • Roads

    • Roads are officially complete with the top layer of asphalt and are in the process of being turned over to the Wake County DOT. Once the process is complete, a speed limit sign will be placed at the front of the subdivision. Also, you will notice that the asphalt is soft so take care when using power steering while stationary as this can tear up the road.


  • The board is working closely with the landscaping company to ensure the common areas are maintained. Pruning should be completed by the end of June and mulch is scheduled for mid July. If you have questions or concerns out the common areas please contact the board.

  • Thank you to all the residents who made it out for the community clean up day on 15Jun19. Whether it was through elbow grease, donations, loaning items, or feeding/hydrating the masses your support made community clean up day a success! It was great to see the community work together towards a common goal while also getting to know one another better. If you missed this date keep an eye out for another clean up day later this year.


  • There is a FAQ section of the community website which will hold additional documents describing things like allowable fence material. If there is a specific question that you don’t see answered on the website please reach out to the board (

  • The subdivision is officially sold out and all neighbors have moved in! That being said, this year the HOA will start to enforce the covenants more rigorously. If you do receive a letter about a violation please respond promptly so the issue can be resolved. Failure to respond may end in a fine, but we’d like for it not to end that way.

  • With all the favorable weather this year, many plants are going through a significant growth phase. To help keep the subdivision looking nice, please remember to keep bushes trimmed, grass out of the landscaped area, and weeds out of the yard.

  • Please help keep our neighborhood looking respectable. If you see something that needs to be fixed or have a recommendation for a change, please say something by reaching out to the board.