Monthly Updates - May 2019

Yates Mill Estates HOA - Monthly Update - May 2019

Kim Humphrey - President | Jamie Schimmel - VP | Lindsey Smith - Secretary | Steven Bush - Treasurer | Devon Longo - At Large


  • As the days get longer and the neighborhood springs back to life please keep in mind there are neighbors, children, and pets outside enjoying the weather. Make sure to slow down when driving through the subdivision so we can keep a safe neighborhood. Recommended speed is 25mph.

  • Please be respectful of your neighbor’s lawns as you are driving through the subdivision.  Keep all four wheels on the asphalt so as not to cause ruts or damage to the grass.

  • As a reminder, the board will be having monthly meetings. If you have any concerns you would like addressed during these meetings, please contact Mary Monticelli at


  • Architectural Review Committee:

    • Members include Luke Payne, Tanya Shepherd, and Laura Tomlinson

    • If you are planning on adding a fence or structure to your property or changing the aesthetics of the exterior of your home please submit an architectural request form. If you are unsure whether or not you need to submit a form be on the safe side and please submit one anyways. You can find the architectural request form for download here:

  • A landscaping committee has been formed to help keep our neighborhood looking good. Initially we will be looking to clean up our common areas but this group could grow depending on interest and funds. In you are interested in being a member please contact Lindsey Smith.

  • A social committee has been formed to connect our neighbors through get togethers and volunteer events. If you would like to be a part of this committee please contact Devon Longo.


  • BMPs

    • Stanley Martin has completed the 3 BMPs aside from installing 1 erosion device and some overseeding  

    • We will be adding signs to each pond reminding visitors to our neighborhood that there is no fishing, swimming, etc in the ponds.  Mary will be sharing verbiage used at other neighborhoods to reference.

  • Roads

    • Street repairs have been completed in preparation for the top coat of asphalt to be laid.  Top coat will be laid at the end of May/early June. There will be no notification when the work will start so please keep an eye out while driving through the subdivision.


  • Spring has definitely sprung around the neighborhood.  We will be working with our landscaping company to ensure the common areas are cut back sufficiently where we have started to see some growth.

  • Mulch has not yet been applied to the beds at the front of the neighborhood and by the mailbox.  Quotes are being sought.


  • The community website ( has been updated with all the HOA covenant amendments that can be found on the registry of deeds

  • There is an FAQ section of the community website which will hold additional documents describing things like allowable fence material.  If there is a specific question that you don’t see answered on the website please reach out to the board (

  • The subdivision is officially sold out and all neighbors have moved in! That being said, this year the HOA will start to enforce the covenants more rigorously. If you do receive a letter about a violation please respond promptly so the issue can resolved. Failure to respond may end in a fine, but we’d like for it not to end that way.

  • With all the favorable weather this spring, many plants are going through a significant growth phase.  To help keep the subdivision looking nice, please remember to keep bushes trimmed, grass out of the landscaped area, and weeds out of the yard

  • Please help keep our neighborhood looking respectable. If you see something that needs to be fixed or have a recommendation for a change, please say something!