Monthly Updates - September 2019

Yates Mill Estates HOA - Monthly Update - September 2019

Kim Humphrey - President | Jamie Schimmel - VP | Lindsey Smith - Secretary | Steven Bush - Treasurer | Devon Longo - At Large


  • The board has monthly meetings. If you have any concerns you would like addressed during these meetings, please contact Mary Monticelli at

  • The safe source for all information pertaining to our neighborhood can be found on the neighborhood webpage (


  • Architectural Review Committee:

    • Members include Luke Payne, Tanya Shepherd, and Laura Tomlinson

    • If you are planning on adding a fence or structure to your property or changing the aesthetics of the exterior of your home please submit an architectural request form. If you are unsure whether or not you need to submit a form be on the safe side and please submit one anyways. You can find the architectural request form for download here:

  • A Landscaping Committee has been formed to help keep our neighborhood looking good through things like community clean up day(s). If you are interested in being a member please contact Lindsey Smith.

  • A Social Committee has been formed to connect our neighbors through get togethers and volunteer events. If you are interested in being a member please contact Devon Longo.


  • BMPs

    • Please remember to keep away from the 3 retention ponds we have in the subdivision.  These are not designed for swimming/fishing/trash/etc. The board is working on getting signs to post around the ponds to reflect this.

    • The retention ponds are sensitive so if you are making any changes close to the ponds please let the HOA know beforehand.  The area around the BMPs is common ground so please do not plant any plants in the common area

    • The BMP inspector will speak to the community at the next annual meeting to help educate the neighborhood and also to answer any questions you may have.  If you do have any questions prior to the annual meeting send an email to Mary Monticelli at

  • Roads

    • The roads have not been turned over to the county.  Before they can be turned over Stanley Martin/the residents must complete the county’s punch list.  The turnover will likely be early this fall.

    • Kohn-Ell looking into why the roads are soft and if it will cause issues in the future.  They are also looking into whether or not they can be fixed prior to the DOT taking them over


  • If you are planning on adding a fence or structure to your property or changing the aesthetics of the exterior of your home please submit an architectural request form. If you are unsure whether or not you need to submit a form, be on the safe side and please submit one anyways. As a reminder, please discuss any changes with your neighbors prior to submitting your architectural request.  You can find the architectural request form for download here:

  • There is a FAQ section of the community website which will hold additional documents describing things like allowable fence material.  If there is a specific question that you don’t see answered on the website please reach out to the board (

  • The board will be adding to our covenants to include the restriction on planting invasive plants such as kudzu and bamboo in our neighborhood.  These types of plants, once planted, can take over entire areas, is hard to control/contain, and near impossible to kill off.

  • As a reminder, if you are planning to be away from your home for an extended period of time you are still required to maintain your property.  If you can't find a friendly neighbor or family member there are numerous landscaping companies in the area that can help out in your absence.

  • Please be respectful of your neighbor’s property and the common areas.  If you will be out in the neighborhood walking your pet, please remember to bring a bag with you to clean up pet waste.

  • Please help keep our neighborhood looking respectable. If you see something that needs to be fixed or have a recommendation for a change, please say something by reaching out to the board.