Annual Meeting - April 2021

Yates Mill Estates HOA - Annual Meeting, April 1, 2021

Kim Humphrey - President | Jamie Schimmel - VP | Lindsey Smith - Secretary | Steven Bush - Treasurer | Devon Longo - At Large


  • HOA Board Member Attendees: Kim Humphrey (President), Jamie Schimmel (VP) Lindsey Smith (Secretary), Steven Bush (Treasurer), Cynthia Niquiporo (Neighborhood Manager @ Kohn-Ell)

  • Vote on the board for 2021


  • BMPs (Ponds)

    • Turned over to the HOA in mid-2020 but continue to be a large expense

    • First report of erosion in 2 of the 3 ponds (potential cost of $6k to repair)

  • Roads

    • In the backlog for final inspection by the city.  Stanley Martin completed handover

  • Landscaping

    • Maintenance continues with annual mulching of common grounds

    • Growth around ponds in year 2 of establishing to prevent further erosion

    • Reminder: Spring is here.  It is your responsibility to ensure yards and landscaped areas are maintained

  • Thank You:

    • To Kim Humphery, Steven Bush, Devon Longo, Jamie Schimmel, and Luke Payne who have either resigned or their term is up -- thank you for your time and effort for serving our neighborhood.


Overall the expenses last year were higher than the budget so we had to dip into the reserves to cover what the dues did not.  At this time it is not recommended to increase the dues but they may need to be adjusted if the BMPs need to be fixed due to erosion or if other cost cutting measures are not put in place. 


  • Concerns with the overall overgrown look of the ponds and would like them to be maintained more frequently. 

    • Unfortunately it is very important for the vegetation to take root to prevent erosion.  This means that the grass will not be cut as frequently and will reach taller heights during the first few years while establishing.  This is from the company that we have hired to maintain our BMPs.  Will look into when we are able to cut on a more frequent basis or what else can be done to improve the aesthetic.

  • Can homeowners help with maintenance around the subdivision in order to cut on costs?

    • Yes, however before any work is done on common ground it needs to be approved by the HOA board

  • Can flowers/plants be planted around the mailboxes?

    • The plants that are already there were planted by Stanley Martin.  Yes more plants can be planted however it needs to be approved by the HOA board since it is common ground

  • Can a no soliciting sign and speed limit sign be put up to keep solicitors out and help keep the speed down in the neighborhood?

    • Yes, the board will discuss putting a sign up for no soliciting

    • The county will be installing a speed limit sign when they take over the roads

  • Can the fence type be expanded?

    • Within the acceptable 3 styles (iron, wood, and vinyl with wood grain) there are about 12 variations already approved in the subdivision.  With such a small subdivision it is important to avoid too many varieties for consistency to keep up with the aesthetic of the neighborhood.

    • Past board, current arch committee and a number of homeowners expressed that they would not like to expand the fence parameters

    • No changes will be made to fence regulations at this time


Positions – all up for re-election this year

  • President – 1 year term

  • Vice President – 2 year term

  • Secretary – 1 year term

  • Treasurer – 3 year term

  • 1 at large member – 1 year term

Election completed and the following are the new board members:

  • Lindsey Smith

  • Ariel Gillfillan

  • Paige Ferguson

  • Roy He

  • Kellie Herron